Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here is a great con presented to the American people. There are TV stations going to air the inauguration all day.

Here is a guy who lied, cheated and coned his way into the office and is asking the American people to pay for his inauguration. I got an email from the Democratic machine to send money to the fund to pay for Obama's inauguration.

I am so tired of this guy (I can't call him President) taking my money and then asking for more money on top of that.

Taxing Americans Regardless of Protest. TARP that is what Obama wants to fund with my tax dollars to give to his friends.

You ask "How do you come up with that?"

Simple I listened to his press conference he wants to give weather stripping to two million homes. There are way more than two million homes in America.

So which two million homes are going to get his trickle down of my tax dollars?

I noticed that the Democrats are seeing his true colors. He has dropped a lot of his promises he made during his run for President.

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