Sunday, August 14, 2011

Government Crooks

After looking at where the country is going and where the Government is pushing the country I can see the workers being targeted by the Government while the welfare class is getting everything they want until the corrupt Congress and President flee the country with all the money they stole and leave the people to fight for survival.

Let's face the truth. This government and anyone tied to this government are just continuing a criminal policy against the American people. They piss on the Constitution they lie to the American people with the help of the propaganda media. How many times have you heard the media spill one line and then the truth comes out and its turns out to be the government stand the media was pushing and not the truth or anything closely related to the truth.

We have a President who spends more time on vacation and campaigning then doing the job of the office. If you say otherwise, prove it.

We have a Congress that exempts themselves from the very laws they push on us... Since when are they above the law? Why are they pushing Obama Care that is against the Constitution and exempt themselves? Why are Congressmen and women getting into office as regular people but leave the office as mega multi millionaires? Not just one or two million but we are talking hundreds of millions. Go visit There you will find the truth.

We have the Department of Education that will not teach our children. Why?

We have a President that has blocked all gas and oil production in America, so we will are tied to overseas oil. This sends our tax dollars to our enemies. Why?

We have a President and Congress that has created bills and laws that prohibit job growth but increases the welfare class and increased taxes. Why?

The President at every chance he gets tells the American people the rich must pay their fare share. But refuses to say what that is? He is promoting class warfare, race warfare and now having the FBI going after any American that pays cash for their purchase. Why?

When are the American people going to open their eyes and see the corruption that is flooding the hallways in Washington. It is long overdue to CUT OFF the welfare class and then see how much effort they put in the stealing vs seeking a job. I bet 95% will steal. Stealing a flat screen TV will not put food on the table or a roof over their heads. Where you gonna hang that TV and how are you going to power it? America has to wake up to the reality. The crooks are in charge and until we arrest them and put them in prison the country will continue to deteriorate.

Friday, August 12, 2011

UK Welfare Class and American Welfare Class

If you watched any programs from the UK this week you find that there is a government hindering the raising of children just like our government does in America. Not allowed to discipline children without getting in trouble.

In UK you have Welfare class getting something for nothing, just like America the welfare class gets everything for nothing. Now with Obama Care the welfare class thinks they can get free health care. The tax payers and the Constitution may have something else to say about that.

In UK the business owners and tax payers are getting tired of paying for the Government and the welfare class, just like the conservatives and the tax payer in America.

In UK the citizens could not protect their property so the looters had no fear, stealing whatever they wanted without fear of backlash. Unlike UK the American people still have a right to bear arms and protect themselves and their property. So the looters will find the working end of a weapon in their face.

I have no problem in helping my fellow man. My problem is them doing nothing to deserve the help. They refuse to seek work. All they do is scream and protest until they get what they want. If they get out and do an honest day's work I have no problem in helping them out. If they want to do nothing I have no problem is giving them squat. They have a choice. If they choose to do nothing then they can expect nothing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

More corruption

Here are a new buzz words used by the Government.... HOSTAGE!!! TERRORIST!!!

They are claiming that the Republicans and the Tea Party are holding America HOSTAGE for not allowing the Government to keep spending, spending and SPENDING!!!!

Well, if I remember they were sent to Congress to stop the Governments non-stop Spending. They have failed to do what they were sent to Washington for cause the Government is spending more now than ever....

It is time to sign the new Amendment making its rounds on the internet. Making Congress a job that gets no Golden Parachutes in Retirement, Health Care and voting themselves above the law.

Monday, August 1, 2011

bogus debt deal

Again the debt deal is up for a vote in Congress and the Winners of this
deal if it passes is Obama. He gets his wish for a debt debate after the
2012 elections. The losers The American people who else.... We are
getting screwed again bogus tax cuts and 2 trillion dollar increase in the

Wouldn't be nice to call your credit card company and tell them that
you are going to up your debt limit by 2 million dollars. No collateral, no
jobs no problem....

Sounds irresponsible but this is exactly what Congress and the Obama are doing..