Thursday, July 1, 2010

Coming of a Second Civil War

It's now Official,

Obama, Congress and the U.S. Government have Declared War on the American People.

The EPA, FCC, and IRS have targeted us

You can view the news reports from today. The EPA has refused to give permits to oil companies. The FCC has refused candidates from purchasing time on TV and Radio. The IRS have targeted all Americans seeking money from corrupt bills signed into laws by Obama. Let's look at Health Care. There is now a 10% tax on tanning beds. They the Government hope to make 300 Million in tax money over the next 10 years. Well if you tax the business out of business you wind up with nothing. We now see how the Government thinks of the American worker. They could care less if they tax you OUT of BUSINESS. Then you wind up on Welfare just where the Government wants you.

The TAXES on the American people are rising faster and faster, soon if you hold a job your taxes will be running close to 80% to pay for all those jobs the government has destroyed.

Obama speaking yesterday said "Yes that Stimulus package did not keep unemployment under 8%. It is now 9.7% But it could be 12, 13 or even 15% if we did nothing. The town he was speaking in has unemployment at 14%.

Talk about an awkward moment of not knowing what you are taking.

But that is this Joke called Obama. Way in over his head and lying every time he opens his mouth. Obama is the poster child for "How do you know a Politician is lying? His lips are moving" He has lied about Health Care and now he is lying about Cap and Trade and Immigration.

Congress is going to pass this unqualified joke of a judge to the Supreme Court. She will surely go against the American people and the Constitution. You can call your Congressmen and women and Senators to no Avail. They are dead set on destroying America.

I do see a Second Civil War coming soon to America. It will be more bloody than the first and the government will go after the Average American Citizens. The Government has gotten to the point it can no longer function. You can see it in the news. Even the Alphabet news service is reporting it. But the American people are not picking up on it.

Obama refused help on the oil spill until day 70. OVER 2 MONTHS before he asked for help. He allowed the oil to destroy the Gulf states and economies of these states before asking for help.

All fishing is closed. All Tourism is dead, so most business that relay on tourism such as Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, and a majority of business that seek tourist.

So yes A Second Civil War is coming. When will it get here is up to the US Government. But you will soon see Americans Arrested on the streets for no reason except to disagree with the Government. They may be just like China. A bullet in the head of the person who is against the Government and the Family of the murdered is sent a bill for the killings. The cost of the people who were there and even the cost of the bullet.

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