Thursday, July 9, 2020

Ignorant Snowflakes.

There was a post noting all of the things being destroyed by the terroristic communists called the Democrats. And the person writing the post asked when books would start being banned and burned. I told her it has already started. She asked for sources. I had this whole long post to explain how ignorant the snowflakes are in today's world and how stupid they are.  I asked if the school does current events?  I started with Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn books. When Obama was elected that is the year these books were targeted. They are still available but not in libraries or Schools. I started working on more books and then I decided to just give her the site that lists all the books banned. I guess she felt like a fool and never responded back to my posts after that.  You have an internet available at your fingertips that can find almost anything you want with just a few searches that ask the correct questions.  Remember to use " " to surround the "words" you are looking for.

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