Thursday, August 11, 2022

America on the Ropes

 Hey folks, this blog space puts a warning on MY page that I have to inform you that this SITE uses cookies.  I hear the EU residents don't like cookies.  I agree folks, but I use this site and do not use cookies this site does.

Now to the heart of the story.

For those who have not paid attention to the news over the last 20 years. Obama allowed the IRS to purchase billions of rounds of ammo (remember the ammo shortage) and now Biden is allowing the IRS to purchase weapons (the ones he wants to take away from the American citizen).

You have to ask, why do the pencil pushers known as the IRS need weapons and ammo? Unless the IRS is becoming a secret army for the Democrats.

Noticed the Democrats just passed a bill that Biden signed into law that hires 87000 IRS Agents.

Put 1+1+1 together and you can figure it out. Ammo+Weapons+IRS Agents = secret army? Just saying. Put the pieces together you can't come up with anything else that makes sense.

Then of course there's the FBI.

The Biden AG, Garland said he upholds the integrity of the FBI.

They lost their integrity when proof the corrupt FBI agents were attacking President Trump and they refused to correct the situation.

The Border is not secure and people with the will to do harm to America are entering this country with the help of the Democratic party. In fact, you could say funded by the Democratic party. Free money, housing, food, and health care.

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