Sunday, January 6, 2019


The Democrats are dead set against the Wall.  Why?  They were all for a wall twenty years ago.  They just talk about a wall.  When the rubber hits the road they really don't want a wall.  It hinders their destruction of America.  When 9/11 hit America there were seven countries with walls, today there are seventy-seven countries with walls. Let that sink in for a minute.

We have new Democrats calling the President a M***** F*****.  We have Democratic newibes wanting to impeach the President for being, the President. We have new members that have NO RESPECT for the office, it's a wonder they elected at all.

If you look at the cycles that happen in America, good times, bad times, terrorism, illegals, and crime have a direct correlation with who is running the country.  When the Democrats are in charge, taxes go up, they believe in stealing from one group of people and giving it to another group of people as long as the ones who write the bill are exempt, i.e. examples: Obamacare and insider trading.  How do you think politicians enter Congress worth little more than you and me and come out millionaires on $174,000 a year plus perks.  The Democrats have bastardized our Constitution.  Basically, at the turn of the Century 1900, the Democrats were in charge and they passed bills that turned our republic into a socialist state.  Tell me why they no longer teach the Constitution? And American  History before the end of the Civil War?

Time for Americans to wake up to the crap politicians are force feeding us and take our country back...

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