Thursday, December 6, 2018

I have been hearing about global warming for over 30 years now. It started in the 60' as the next Ice Age is coming, then they switched to global warming, and since the planet has not warmed as they wanted, it is now climate change.

For over 20 years these so-called environmentalists have been saying the planet is warming and the ice caps are melting due to man-made pollution. The seas will rise and coastal cities will be under feet of water. That hasn't happened, not even close.

All of this is promoted by propaganda in schools and the media and the far left. Only to charge you more taxes to keep them richer and enslave you with debt.

A prime example of this was the Obama years in America. He was selling guns to criminal cartels in Mexico which came back to America to kill Americans and NO ONE was prosecuted for this breach of security by these politicians and these same politicians had taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and America from enemies both foreign and domestic. 
At what point will the people take time to understand that America is a Republic.  We control what happens.  By doing nothing we allow socialism to take over.  Remember it was a Republic, the left called it a Democracy for decades and now they are pushing us towards socialism because the people have been dumbed down by the propaganda machine set up by the left.  Almost all our news is frankly propaganda, how many times in the last two years have the propaganda media been called out by false stories and they make a retraction but the dumbed down people who only watch propaganda media only remembers the lies by propaganda media and not the retractions.   

With President Trump, the people have started taking back our country from these left-leaning extremists.  Just look at what is being taught in schools these day?  God has been taken out of everything but Muslims have full access.  We have schools forcing children to read and agree with Muslim writings and go to court when GOD is whispered at any event at school.  There are some schools that buck this and I applaud them for that. 

Why do you think the first and second amendments are at the top?  Why is the second way up there, because our founders knew corrupt politicians would try to take America away from the people and the people should have the same type of weapons as the government so we could fight back against an oppressive government trying to take America from the people.  The freedom of the press (first amendment) is almost muted by propaganda media.  

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