White House: Fox Is 'Not Really News'
This was the headline on Newser.
But I venture to say if White House feels this way about Fox News. I would have no problem is saying this Administration is not government. Its a bunch of crooks trying to destroy this country.
Highest unemployment in almost a century. The government has destroyed the banking system, they have destroyed the Auto industry, Working on destroying the Insurance Industry, Destroy the greatest Health Care system in the World. Yes I said the world. Why do all the people with serious health problems come to America? But Obama and the Democrats are in the process to destroying it to give the freeloaders health care. Next they want to destroy Energy in the country. They want to give illegals - citizenship. Why? They already have the best of both worlds. They get free health care, they can vote they get everything they want and don't have to pay taxes. Why would they want citizenship?
So to say this is government, that is a lie. We need to throw the bums out and put people who do believe in the Constitution in office.
Reduce the size of Government and close the borders. Protect its citiziens. Something this government is not doing. Look how this government is handling the Sherriff in AZ. They want to tie his hands and not do his job. But like he said. "He was voted in by the citizens of his county, not the federal government". This just shows how corrupt our government really is. But of course the people of America are brainwashed on propaganda news that they can't see the truth. They can tell you who won American Idol or who got kicked off of Dancing with the Stars. But they can't tell you who their Senator or Congresswoman/man is.
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