Saturday, October 17, 2009

ECON 101

Okay for those of you who feel asleep during econ 101 class, or skipped that day here is a refresher course.


Where does the government get money to pay for jobs, and services?


So if you are willing to work for FREE the government cannot keep your job going.
I am talking about this bogus stimulus package. It was going to provide millions of jobs. By Washington's own figures it has produced less than 40,000 jobs. Where did the money go?

If you paid attention (which you did not in econ 101) You found out that this bogus stimulus was mostly PORK to pay off Obama supporters.

Government does not provide goods or services to generate income except from taxes.

So let's figure it out:

Pull out $10.00 in pennies. (that's 1000 pennies)

Now lets assume that this is what the government paid you for this month. Now remember that Government has killed all job creation. (They are almost there by the way) So there is no new major taxes coming in.
Now you have to pay taxes on that $10.00 so you have to fork over lets say for this example 45% in taxes. (Now wait we don't pay that much in taxes, well, yes you do. Not only do you pay about 24% income tax which is taken out when you earn it plus the taxes everywhere else. Like you ask? Gas tax, property tax, sales tax, phone tax, food tax, almost everything you buy has tax on it. add that up and you are in this example 45% but it is actually more.)

So for this example we pay $4.50 in tax. But since the government does not provide goods or services the only income is the taxes. Since there is no new taxes coming in you have to take a pay cut. So your next pay is $4.50 since that is all the money that came in to pay you. You pay taxes on that. That would be 2.03 in taxes so you know what your next paycheck will be. It will keep going until you are working for FREE. By the way Obama will be sending that out real soon. They will call it voluntary I call it working for FREE. I give plenty of my time in voluntary services. I don't want someone telling me where or who to give my time to for free. So your pay check will be NOTHING and you are waiting for the government to provide you with food, housing, health care, since you have no money to get that yourself and the only people who do are the rich and the politicians.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. You did finish High School? If you did then you have at least a 6th grade education. So this is simple enough that you can figure it out. Our government is destroying this country and you are letting it happen.


There is no such thing as a free lunch, no such thing as free health care and no such thing as free housing, free utilities, This government is doing bait and switch on you. You complain about it when it happens in the store but when the government does it to you, you think that the government would not could not do it. But all you have to do is look at the numbers. Of course once you figure it out you will be screaming NO! to government takeover of America. Not just Health care but they have taken over Autos, Banks, Insurance, and they want Health care and energy, and foods. When will it stop?

The corruption is running freely in Washington. The Republicans put a bill to review the paybacks the Democrats got before the Housing collapse. They walked out so a vote could not be taken. Corruption.

This government needs to be replaced. They need to be impeached and jailed for crimes against the American people.

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