I noticed that the news agencies carried the first family photo but I wonder has the first family taken the h1n1 flu shot?
Obama wants us to work for free. Wonder if Obama is going to work for free? What can he do that the Secret Service can keep him safe while shoveling shit or stocking shelves.
Or for that matter the rest of Congress. When did they get there h1h1 shot and what are they going to do for free. Are they shoveling shit, cleaning park toilets that have not been cleaned in a year. Trying to avoid the needles and crap?
That is one thing I noticed about Socialism. The folks in charge live lavishly while the rest of the population struggles to survive and have to work for free so the folks in charge can enjoy the fruits of the populations labor. Grand houses, security, parties, all the things the population is denied.
And this is what the dumbed down Americans want? A Russian, Nazi, Cuban style government where the folks in charge get wealthy of the backs of the population? Or what Ameria stands for you work hard and you get the fruits of your labor.
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