I look around and see lies by the Democratic News Service that would be ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC. If they want to call the Fox News Service Republican then we can say all the others are Democratic propaganda rags.
Don't believe me. Lets look at Rush Limbaugh. He was defamed by the Democratic propaganda rags and when it was proved that the quotes they used were fabricated they still used it with no corrections. Flat out false reports. Lets look at Rev. Al Sharpton. A bigot and Racist. Has cause more deaths in his racist pursuits than anything else. And Who in their right mind made this racist in charge of the NFL. Time to boy cot the NFL and lets see how they handle loss of revenue?
You know that the Democrats consider the Republicans and mainly conservatives in particular, nothing more than scabs on the face of injustice. When the scabs heal and you will be able to see that injustice is not as pretty as justice. Then sometime in the middle of the night when you are asleep and no one is watching the Democrats are going to replace justice with injustice and if you notice and complain the Democrats will silence you once and forall. This is the most corrupt government since the beginning of this great nation. With Congress as corrupt as they are and the news media refusing to report the truth. The few places where the truth can come out is under attack by Obama and Congress and the Press. They are afraid of the truth. Because if the truth came out this country would revolt.
This country just might revolt when it is all said and done. This Congress is pushing Health Care, Cap and Trade, allowing illegals amnesty. 10 million instant voters for the Democrats.
How corrupt does it have to get before the Americans say enough is enough. Do the American people know that their taxes and cost for just about everything is going up 100% to 300%. Yes this means the Gas will increase to close to $10 a gallon. Almost that much for a gallon of milk. $5 for a loaf of bread. The Democrats say it will never happen (of course they lie about everything) But if you let this happen it will come to pass that this president and corrupt Congress will have destroyed this country in one half term. Two years and he was able to destroy the greatest nation on earth because the American people did nothing.
They believed the lies of the President. He boasted of a transparent administration. This has proven to be the most corrupt administration ever to roam the halls of the White House. Now lets look at Obama. He has spent more tax payer dollars flying around the world in his first year than any other 4 year term president.
When is America going to wake up?
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