Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Corrupt Government Trends

Another thing I noticed as this blog states "Things that I notice"


That is a word that the leftist Liberal Democrats use and the one who uses it often is Obama. This just shows how corrupt this administration really is. They spew out disinformation and claim that FOX News, Talk Radio and anyone who opposes Obama are the ones sending out disinformation.

It has been proven time and time again that this Administration is corrupt and throwing out lies one after another. Everything that goes wrong is the blame of Obama and Congress but just like all corrupt Officials they blame it on anyone but themselves. They cannot take the blame.

Obama and Congress want to fix health care or health care insurance (depends on which research group the Administration is listening to at the time). So when people bring out the fact that they want to take over health care or health care insurance and in no way want to fix it then the leftist Democrats call it disinformation. If they want to fix it remove tort reform, and start policing the Medicare payouts. They could save BILLIONS. But of course their aim is to destroy health care and or health care insurance.

There are MILLIONS of Americans that know the truth and need to step up and vote these criminals out of office. Why don't they want the American people to view the bills before votes? Why are they voting in the middle of the night? Why when the corrupt Democrats are brought up for a vote to remove them from office the rest of the corrupt Democratic party walks out?

Come on people or should I start calling you sheple? You believe these crooks instead of using your own brain. Obama and Congress are liers, frauds, crooks, theifs, and corrupt. I can't believe that you are not willing to view things for yourself. You are going to let this bunch of crooks destroy your way of life? You think that you are going to get free health care...... Think again. You are going to lose all your freedoms because you believe the lies thrown out at you by this corrupt Administraion and the press and the goobers in Hollywood. (They are rich. They get millions for doing a movie even if it bombs in the theather. Look some of these tv stars getting millions per show. Not season but show.) And you are going to listen to them when they say health care needs to be fixed. They are doing what Obama wants.

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