Hope you find time to set this now to be known as a hoax pandemic to spend quality time with family AND friends. Remember the reason for the season, Christ the Lord. Put your faith in him and accept him as your Lord and savior so no matter where the corrupt politicians take you Christ will always be there with you. Praise him, love him and you will see him when you die, if you accepted him or not, then if you accepted you will spend forever with him if you don't you will see him as he casts you into Hell. That is the choice you have to make in this lifetime. Ask for forgiveness and repent of your sins and start the walk with Jesus, you will stumble and fall, just get up ask for forgiveness and keep going. At the end of you journey here on Earth you will be rewarded for with life everlasting with God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Otherwise you will spend your everlasting life with the people you do not like. Your choice. In the meantime, Merry Christmas too all.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Anybody with a little common sense can see this election was rigged. First the Covid Scamdemic. The fake positive tests daily, Some days it seems they have more positives then there are tests for. Then the mail in ballots to keep people away from the polling stations, then we are to believe that Biden swept through the middle of the night and won by more votes than any other president in history. First of all he couldn't get more than 15 people to show up at his rallies while President Trump was sending people away there were so many. And you expect us to believe if propaganda media says its true it must be? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Government IS the problem
So you want to vote for Biden, he is for more taxes, more and bigger government. Well, let's look at what bigger government has done for you so far:
Let's start with ID thief. ID thief is a direct response to government using social security numbers that the founders of the SSN system knew it would be easy for criminals to steal your ID if it got out. Then the government decided to use SSN for everything instead of using a new more secure system.
Then the government itself stole money out of Social Security to pay for pork barrel projects, they they started giving out SS money to illegals. Then they came out with a plan that if illegals said they didn't speak English they got all services including housing, food stamps, medial care and many other services at the expense of American Taxpayer.
Then you have high college expenses. Here you have a system that the student would get student loans and pay it off to the bank they borrowed from. Government came in and made it mandatory that ALL student loans are through the government.
Let's talk about housing loans. Obama and his group of criminal lawyers force the government to allow people unable and unwilling to pay back home loans to get loans from Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The housing market collapsed and the government was left holding the bag for millions of loans.
Obamacare, taxed citizens for not having healthcare insurance and taxed it you did have healthcare that wasn't Obamacare. And since Obamacare didn't provide healthcare insurance it was an illegal move that the left leaning Supreme Court upheld as Constitutional but failed to indicate where in the Constitution it is listed.
Then you have Democratic cities that allow illegals the ability to vote. You have Democratic politicians that are allowing felons the right to vote, something they lost when they were convicted of a felon. Another crime against the Constitution.
You hear Democrats and Biden and Harris said they will get rid of Oil, Gas and Fracking, as well as attacking our 2nd Amendment, they have attacked our 1st Amendment with no fight back from the people or the Republicans. Now the second amendment. I do believe the people will fight back. The reason for the second amendment is for the current Democratic government we have today.
There are so many other crimes the government has created to go against the American Citizen and the Constitution. NSA comes to mind by recording everything the American people say about the government. There used to be a government in Germany back in the 1930's and 40's that did the same thing. That was the SS of the Nazi party.
We have Colleges that no longer teach but brainwash the children. Refusing to pass a student if he didn't change his thinking.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
How Europe (my brother) is handling the New World Order takeover.
More and more people ask me why I am 'against the corona measures'. It is difficult to give a short answer to that, because for me it consists of several parts. But one of these are the 'figures' we are confronted with every day.
Because what would it have done to us if we had been confronted by the media every day for the past few years with the number of deaths? This is because an average of 2,900 people in the Netherlands die per week from various causes:
o 27,000 people die every year incorrect use of medication or medical failure to trade.
o 45,000 people die every year cancer.
o Every year 37,000 people die of heart and vascular diseases.
o Every year 9334 people die from one stroke.
o Every year, 8761 people die from one external cause of death (fall, violence, traffic accident).
But I admit. These causes of death are not contagious. That's why we just look at the flu epidemics:
Winter 2018/2019, number of deaths from influenza epidemic (14 weeks): 3124
Winter 2017/2018, number of deaths from influenza epidemic (18 weeks): 8885
Winter 2016/2017, number of deaths from influenza epidemic (12 weeks): 8,890
Winter 2015/2016: number of deaths from influenza epidemic (11 weeks): 6,085
Winter 2014/2015, number of deaths from influenza epidemic (21 weeks): 8,600
If we compare these figures with the corona figures: from February 27, 2020 to September 22, 2020
(so 30 weeks!): 6292 deaths.
The chance of death (mortality) with corona is: 0.13 !!! (WHO figure at the beginning of October).
Risk of death from flu (influenza): 0.16.
In 98% of the corona cases, the disease process proceeds without complications (and without IC admission).
The average age of people who die with corona is > 75 years. Often with underlying suffering (cardiovascular disease, diabetes or a weakened immune system). As a result, it cannot be determined whether they died from corona, as the cause of their underlying suffering or from old age. The mortality rate from corona under 75 years is: 479. Here too, there was often underlying suffering.
The question now is: what does knowing the number of deaths per day add to the quality of your life?
And what would you do or want to give up to prevent you from being one of those 27,000 people who dies due to incorrect medical treatment. Or one of those 45,000 people who die from cancer. Or one of those 37,000 people who die each year from cardiovascular disease (often caused by lifestyle)?
Or would you just like to enjoy life without restrictions and restrictions? By sitting on a terrace, by visiting a theater or by meeting friends?
In other words: how much do you want to be concerned with the chance that you can die?
Because in the corona crisis it seems as if we mainly want to look away from our mortality and as if we forget to live for fear of dying.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Exercising his rights
I see Facebook wants you to be silenced. Rittenhouse was a kid attacked by terrorists and he defend himself and in the process he killed two of the terrorists trying to take his weapon away and injured another, all on video I might add. He is exercising his second amendment right, just what our founding fathers foresaw. Our corrupt government officials and Propaganda media are calling it murder after watching these terrorists chase and try to forceably take his weapon away from him. How is that murder in a Republic? It always is in a corrupt socialist state. The difference is Freedoms our Republic gives us over the corruption and lies Socialism forces upon us.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Showing the truth
So you are wearing a mask, you are getting government money to stay at home?
You are afraid of catching Covid19? Let's look at what is going on.
First, Covid19 is deadly just like the common flu. The flu kills more people a year than Covid19 has. Now let's look at the deaths by Covid19. If you take a Covid19 test and comes up positive, you are put on the new Covid19 list. Now when you get retested and it doesn't matter if it is positive or negative you are put on a new Covid19 list. Everytime you are tested it is put on a new Covid19 list. So you are tested a total of 5 times for Covid19 there are 5 new cases of Covid19.
Second, you are forced to wear a mask to do any shopping, anything in public. Restaurants can't have a full house, only a few people in a store at any time. Does it begin to sound like government is pushing numbers?
Let's keep going. Terrorist groups BLM and ANTIFA have free reign to destroy America and the far left prosecutors release these terrorists when they are arrested for crimes without any charges. Think about that. These terrorists are looting businesses, burning down buildings, destroying public statues and in some cases private statues and getting a get out of jail free card. They are given unfettered access to destroy America.
So the Democrats want to steal the election by having un-secured ballots by mail. Talk about the ability for fraud in the election cycle this is it. Catch whats going on, the people are getting fed up with Socialist agenda the far left is pushing on us. The only people who are in favor of the Socialist agenda are the ones living off the government, we call them freeloaders. That would be illegal aliens, lots of blacks, and all the Muslims Obama let freely into this country. We are on the edge of major attacks by said Muslims, blacks and illegals. All forced upon us by the Democratic party, the party of slavery, the party of KKK.
Time to take a stand.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Corruption within the U.S. Government
I have been calling Covid19 a scamdemic from the time it started. The shutdown of the country, the destruction of the country. It failed. Now we have protesters coming out to riot and destroy the major cities. Have you seen the destruction these democratically controlled cities are being destroyed and refusing any help except money? They want the Police departments defunded. They want to put government workers with NO tools into deadly situations where cops are murdered all the time. Tell me that was a bright idea. How many workers will quit.
I have seen this corruption since Obama days and I told people that, I do believe the vote was tampered with for him to win re-election. But that was a good thing because President Trump shook them so bad that they have been nonstop attacks on President Trump. I hope people go out in force if you are a registered voter I hope you help take back America before the Democrats spark off a second civil war.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Any cookies you get off my blog was attached to my blog by other parties.This is my notice per Google.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Ignorant Snowflakes.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Masks phobia
Does it stop you from getting Covid-19? NO.
Does it help if you are coughing and you don't want to scare others? Yes.
Tell me, how many heart attacks, cancer deaths, car accidents were labeled Covid-19 and not actually the real cause?
The powers that be want you to wear masks, but not for the common flu that kill more than Covid-19. When this started I was worried, but after hearing of the inflated deaths from Covid-19, to include all the reasons above and plenty more I no longer believe in the Covid-19 Scamdemic. Yes, you read that right, Scamdemic.
When did the government shut down businesses for the flu? NEVER!
When did the government destroy the economy of this country? NEVER!
In all this mess these Democratically controlled cities want to get rid of police in these cities. What happens next?
To see the way of government Beirut, Lebanon was the jewel of the middle east. Until government got involved and it turned into a battle zone. It went from a jewel to a dump in just a few years. The way the Democrats are ruining these cities into the dirt, getting rid of police it will soon become modern-day Beirut.
Let that sink in when you go to the voting booth in August and November.
Noticed how unwanted masks, destruction of businesses has turned into a civil war!
Saturday, July 4, 2020
America's Destruction
What happened to Horseshoes? Remember the sport of throwing horseshoes around a spike driven into the ground. Today they have corn holes. A wooden box on the ground like a horseshoe spike, then instead of tossing horseshoes at the spike they are throwing beanbags at the box with a hole in it.
Schools no longer teach government. Do they even have to take the citizenship test anymore? At one time they had to, and couldn't graduate until they passed the citizenship test. What? They let them graduate not knowing how to read, how to balance a checkbook. No wonder so many have been pulled out of public school and tossed into private or homeschooled.
With Democratic created Common Core joke of a fix to the education was just that, a joke. Billions of wasted dollars. You see all those students forced to live through Common core standing on the corners with printed signs that say Black Lives Matter on one side and Defund the Police on the other. And we are supposed to think it was spontaneous protests. I saw a joke of a person standing on the corner with just a sign. If my wife wasn't in the car I would have asked him how much he was getting paid?
Every day we are leaping one step closer to civil war.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Setting the stage for Civil War.
There is a new show called "Going from Broke" It's about all these young people who graduated from college without a working degree. Now they're around $200,000.00 in debt, and one line in the ad and I paraphrase, "I'm Broke and I want YOU to fix it". Even close to a quarter of a million in debt, they can't take responsibility for there actions. They want someone else to fix it. Hey, I got an idea, join the Military. You have a college education and you can get a good paycheck as an officer. Hell, you can stay in 20 years, pay off your debt, and get a nice nest egg by the time you retire. That wouldn't work, you would have to believe in America. You have to take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and since you had extreme liberal professors the Constitution is no more than toilet paper to them and you, you have to either learn the truth or continue to follow the teachings of your anti-American professors.
If you notice all the problems you have in America is what the government created. I.D. Theft is caused by the government using Social Security Cards that were NEVER to be used as I.D. but some democrat was too lazy to work out the kinks created this problem. Then the Democrats have been stealing money from the Social Security fund to fund their pet projects. That is YOUR money they are stealing. Then they pass laws on the rest of us while exempting themselves from the same laws. Obamacare comes to mind, Insider trading is another. How do you think these Senators and Congressmen go into the government as regular people and in a few years getting $172,000.00 a year come out as multi-millionaires.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Driving through the country
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Propaganda 24/7
Now before you go flying off the handle, I want to bring this to the forefront, because these groups comprise less than 10% of the population but occupy 95% of programming in shows and commercials.
It's called PROPAGANDA, it's what socialists do to control the population. Express lies to conform them to the attitude they want.
Look how well Hitler used PROPAGANDA. Killed six million Jews with it.
Look at China, North Korea, Russia, and the United States of America. They all use propaganda to get their message across.
How about the Democrats, they have been working on gun control since the beginning of the 1900s. They are at the point that if you own a gun, you are the criminal. Look at what they have done. What do Hospitals, Schools, Police Stations, All Government Buildings, Ball Fields, Nursing Homes, and Banks have in common? They are ALL rich high target areas, why? No one to shoot back. If there are people assigned to shoot back they may fold, like that school resource officer did in Florida.
During the Obama administration there were many terrorist attacks on Americans that the Obama administration called workplace violence.
Now President Trump calls it as it is. Texas, was a terrorist attack.
PROPAGANDA is on the rise in America, almost every TV show and NEWS program is pure PROPAGANDA. Attack Conservatives and prop up corrupt Liberals. Like Biden doing a news interview, he said, and I paraphrase "If you're Black and Voted for Trump, you're not Black" How far did that travel before it was squashed? 24 hours? If a Republican said that it would be a top story for the next 6 months.
Let's talk about our Politicians, besides trying to disarm all of America, they keep pushing bills with tons of pork in it like funding planned parenthood, you know the place where they murder babies in the guise of women's health. All this pork has one problem, INFLATION. Yes, you heard right, INFLATION. The last time we had massive inflation was during the Carter Administration. President Reagan, got it under control. Now Obama said manufacturing would never come back to America, and in less than three years President Trump had the lowest unemployment. More manufacturing and the ONE WORLD ORDER prompted the COVID19 scamdemic and shut down the world to collapse it, where they can walk in and take over. Enslave the people to do their bidding. This is a bid by the One World Order to remove President Trump from office. With Propaganda, Corruption begets Corruption. We are seeing this first hand.
The Bible's last book is Revelation, in it, it talks about the last days, where man will go up against man, nation against nation. Those taking the chip will go straight to HELL! No chance of getting into Heaven. Take time to read it and pray about it. It just might save your soul.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Not is Person Voting
The Democrats, have proven they are corrupt when it comes to voting. They are allowing ILLEGALS to vote, that has been posted on television news cycles, they are going through the Graveyard and signing up the dead to vote, this too has been proven true, and they have bussed voters from one voting precinct to another to vote, a great case was during the Obama vote where a voter bosted he voted several times at different precincts for Obama, George Soros supplyed the busses. and he wasn't the only one.
The Democrats keep trying to slip that corrupt dagger that is death into the life that is America. We see time after time Congress passing unconstitutional laws to curb the power of the people. Not just Democrats, but Republicans also.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Another item noticed.
Well, let's see.
GAY used to mean having fun now it tied to homosexuals.
You can no longer speak the truth, it's not politically correct.
Political correctness is another word for forcing lies as truths.
Murder of unborn babies up to birth is fine, but killing babies after birth is murder?
Murder of a woman seeking an abortion, rates two counts of murder even thou she was going to murder her unborn child?
America is the last country of freedom, being destroyed by politicians daily.
The only thing keeping the one world order from taking over is the 2nd Amendment. Something Democrats note is the only way to destroy the nation and that is their job, not taking care of America, or securing our border but how to get weapons out of the hands of the citizens?
Politicians (Democrats) pass bills that sends billions of dollars to organizations that will send back to Democrat politicians at election time.
Democrats roam the streets looking for illegals and the dead to vote in elections to reelect the Democrats. When they lose to the electoral college, they want to end the electoral college so places like Los Angeles County and New York City will elect the President. The rest of the country will be mute. Their votes will be ignored.
Imagine, Hillary Clinton, getting voted in. America would no longer be here. Obama was working on it and was exposed by the General Flynn scandal.
Other countries are so corrupt that they were hoping the Democrats would take over America and When President Trump won look at all the GOOD he has done for America, not the new world order.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Things I notice
Back when I was young. Say in the '60s. TV shows would be 30+ shows a season. Today it's 10. And that is in A YEAR!!! On top of that back in the 60's it was FREE TV. Today it's Cable.
Notice all the great shows are on Cables higher tier? So you have to pay for basic (shows nobody wants or likes) and then go up to tier 2 or 3 to get your favorite channels and then extra to watch movies on HBO etc. The only problem with the movie channels is you can watch everything new the first few days and its all reruns after that.
Also during this Stay At Home time my email has exploded. Everyone is home and looking for ways to make extra money through emails. Tens of Millions of people out of work. Getting $600 a month, most ignoring bills, trying to survive on unemployment. The problem is when this money runs out.
How many crimes are going to explode in the next few months?
I personally have a problem with the Governments attempt to destroy our Constitution with Stay at home orders, closing businesses, I think the only thing this will do is prolong the Covid-19. Masks will not stop you from getting Covid-19. Washing hands is the BEST defense against Covid-19.
I see the Democrats raising taxes to fund all the people staying home.
Like Obamacare, the government forced upon us a tax for healthcare. If you had healthcare insurance you got taxed, if you had no healthcare insurance you got taxed. If you were a Congressman or Senator you exempted yourself from the Obamacare. Took a Golden Parachute healthcare at the peoples expense.
Think about it, serve on term in Congress and have retirement same as you pay for the rest of your life and healthcare, at the expense of the American People.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Have a better day.
I am working in the garden, PLANTING seeds that some Governors are trying to make a crime...
Getting out in the sunshine, suppose to kill the COVID 19.
Notice everything I want to do is news related.
News said that sunshine will kill COVID 19
Getting on the computer to play games. Reading good books, listening to great music from the 40's, to the 70's.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
America - RIP
Department of Education is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic party. Like Common Core a systematic step to destroy Education in America. Before Government took over education most Americans had a very good chance to get a great education. Today not so much. Calculators and now phones allowed into the classrooms.
Professors in Universities destroying America with every student they brainwash.
We have Democratic States that have gone overboard with NO SEEDS to start a garden with. Can't go outside in some of these states or you will get a ticket. So tell me where in the Constitution does it say that the Governor can make up any law they want? It's NOT in there.
We have Politicians telling people they can't exercise their Constitutional rights, like freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, right to bear arms.
I have been telling you of the corruption within this government ever since I started this blog, and today it's coming to a head. Exposing the corruption and systematic destruction of America from within.