Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Government IS the problem

 So you want to vote for Biden, he is for more taxes, more and bigger government.  Well, let's look at what bigger government has done for you so far:

Let's start with ID thief.  ID thief is a direct response to government using social security numbers that the founders of the SSN system knew it would be easy for criminals to steal your ID if it got out.  Then the government decided to use SSN for everything instead of using a new more secure system.  

Then the government itself stole money out of Social Security to pay for pork barrel projects, they they started giving out SS money to illegals.  Then they came out with a plan that if illegals said they didn't speak English they got all services including housing, food stamps, medial care and many other services at the expense of American Taxpayer.

Then you have high college expenses.  Here you have a system that the student would get student loans and pay it off to the bank they borrowed from.  Government came in and made it mandatory that ALL student loans are through the government.

Let's talk about housing loans.  Obama and his group of criminal lawyers force the government to allow people unable and unwilling to pay back home loans to get loans from Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The housing market collapsed and the government was left holding the bag for millions of loans. 

Obamacare, taxed citizens for not having healthcare insurance and taxed it you did have healthcare that wasn't Obamacare.  And since Obamacare didn't provide healthcare insurance it was an illegal move that the left leaning Supreme Court upheld as Constitutional but failed to indicate where in the Constitution it is listed.

Then you have Democratic cities that allow illegals the ability to vote.  You have Democratic politicians that are allowing felons the right to vote, something they lost when they were convicted of a felon.  Another crime against the Constitution.  

You hear Democrats and Biden and Harris said they will get rid of Oil, Gas and Fracking, as well as attacking our 2nd Amendment, they have attacked our 1st Amendment with no fight back from the people or the Republicans.  Now the second amendment.  I do believe the people will fight back.  The reason for the second amendment is for the current Democratic government we have today.

There are so many other crimes the government has created to go against the American Citizen and the Constitution. NSA comes to mind by recording everything the American people say about the government.  There used to be a government in Germany back in the 1930's and 40's that did the same thing. That was the SS of the Nazi party.

We have Colleges that no longer teach but brainwash the children.  Refusing to pass a student if he didn't change his thinking.

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