If you pay attention to what is on Television today you will notice that in almost every show and commercial there is a gay couple, Muslim, interracial marriage.
Now before you go flying off the handle, I want to bring this to the forefront, because these groups comprise less than 10% of the population but occupy 95% of programming in shows and commercials.
It's called PROPAGANDA, it's what socialists do to control the population. Express lies to conform them to the attitude they want.
Look how well Hitler used PROPAGANDA. Killed six million Jews with it.
Look at China, North Korea, Russia, and the United States of America. They all use propaganda to get their message across.
How about the Democrats, they have been working on gun control since the beginning of the 1900s. They are at the point that if you own a gun, you are the criminal. Look at what they have done. What do Hospitals, Schools, Police Stations, All Government Buildings, Ball Fields, Nursing Homes, and Banks have in common? They are ALL rich high target areas, why? No one to shoot back. If there are people assigned to shoot back they may fold, like that school resource officer did in Florida.
During the Obama administration there were many terrorist attacks on Americans that the Obama administration called workplace violence.
Now President Trump calls it as it is. Texas, was a terrorist attack.
PROPAGANDA is on the rise in America, almost every TV show and NEWS program is pure PROPAGANDA. Attack Conservatives and prop up corrupt Liberals. Like Biden doing a news interview, he said, and I paraphrase "If you're Black and Voted for Trump, you're not Black" How far did that travel before it was squashed? 24 hours? If a Republican said that it would be a top story for the next 6 months.
Let's talk about our Politicians, besides trying to disarm all of America, they keep pushing bills with tons of pork in it like funding planned parenthood, you know the place where they murder babies in the guise of women's health. All this pork has one problem, INFLATION. Yes, you heard right, INFLATION. The last time we had massive inflation was during the Carter Administration. President Reagan, got it under control. Now Obama said manufacturing would never come back to America, and in less than three years President Trump had the lowest unemployment. More manufacturing and the ONE WORLD ORDER prompted the COVID19 scamdemic and shut down the world to collapse it, where they can walk in and take over. Enslave the people to do their bidding. This is a bid by the One World Order to remove President Trump from office. With Propaganda, Corruption begets Corruption. We are seeing this first hand.
The Bible's last book is Revelation, in it, it talks about the last days, where man will go up against man, nation against nation. Those taking the chip will go straight to HELL! No chance of getting into Heaven. Take time to read it and pray about it. It just might save your soul.
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