I have looked, watched and listened to American policies over the last 50 years.
I look back to the early 60's with Cuba. Yes we were keeping USSR from getting a foothold in North America. 90 Miles was a little close. But if we just talked to Castro we may have had good relations with Cuba. Instead we ban any and all movement to Cuba. They hunker down as a foe of the U.S.
I do understand that Cuba and Castro wanted the government leaders of Cuba that escaped to American back. As Americans we know that if we did send them back they (Castro) would kill them.
Vietnam was starting to grow. We should have pulled out but, too many people thought it was very important that we as Americans do something. So we bog down with Vietnam for just about 20 years and we lost. One of the main reasons we lost was because LBJ and the Democratic government wanted to control the war from the White House. So we lost millions of Americans and Billions of dollars.
Then we jump into Afghanistan to defeat the Russians and we want to give back to Russia what they gave us in Vietnam.
Then we help Iraq and Iraq goes in and takes Kuwait. So we go in and help Kuwait and we wind up in a war with Iraq. The stupid folks there kill each other because they pray different.
I think the easy way would be to nuke them and take care of the problem. But, since the nuke is not an option to fix stupid, we just send hundreds of Americans to their death because of stupid trying to fix stupid. So now we know that they kill each other over nothing. Terrorists blowing themselves up to kill others.
Now do you want to talk about cowards. That would be the leaders of the terrorists that con others into killing themselves and others over some jackass that said you would get 72 virgins if you killed other people and yourself. Why don't these leaders strap a bomb to themselves instead of getting poor sick people to do that for themselves.
Both Republicans and Democrats have destroyed America. Let's look at Kennedy that would be Teddy. Where he voted in a impossible health and retirement for Senators and Congressmen. That no American can afford. Then he went into SS money and spent it on programs saying that there was too much money in there. Now SS money is drying up because of Teddy's five finger grab of the funds.
Now Obama is destroying America from the inside out. Notice his first interview after becoming President is with Islam reporter. Not US but Middle East. Hello, he is really paying back his middle eastern donor. Closing Gitmo, giving interviews with terrorists. Almost anyone from that part of the country can't be trusted and who is warming up to them. Thats right Obama.
The Democrats forced the banks to give loans to people who couldn't afford it. The housing market collapsed because of all those people who got bad loans. Thanks Democrats.
Then Democrats emptied the SS funds. The Democrats took money from the government. Obama took my tax dollars from Fanny Mae. The leftist media has helped destroy America.
I see a civil war coming to America. The haves against the have nots. The corrupt against the truth.
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