Monday, January 5, 2009

Franken (stein) - Wins? Cheated more like it.

This non comic, failed radio host cheated his way into a senate seat.

The only way Franken won was to have a car full of ballots no one knew where they came from and it is a wonder that they were all for Franken. (Smells dirty to me). Double counted ballots in Franken's favor.

But you know Franken can't be funny, he can't be a radio host so what makes you think he is senate material? He's not!

But you know everyone has an opinion and this is mine. If Minn. wants to let this guy who is bad in everything he does become a senator (Hmmm sounds like Obama), so be it.

Again, birds of a feather flock together. (Crooks are as close as your nearest politician).

The old saying - "Q. How do you know if a politician is lying? A. His lips are moving.

This is so true. Look at Obama - he has lied, and lied, and lied since he was elected. All those folks who voted for him is now finding out that he lied about everything.

Say anything to get elected. Then screw the folks that voted for you.

I think Obama has this tatooed on his body somewhere.

Barry - just go hide in the white house and leave the country alone for four years. The only thing I can say is that Barry aka Obama will destroy the world in four years. (They say the world will end in four years, so who better to blame then a black man who has never done a productive thing in his life.

This is my opinion, and is not the opinions of Blogger or its parent companies.

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