Saturday, May 30, 2020

Driving through the country

We drove through the country today, going to Kansas City and back.  We saw many signs stating the government is tyrannical.  Covid19 is a scam.  We have had the Swine flu that killed millions worldwide and the government didn't shut down the country, destroying small businesses left and right.  Putting millions upon millions on unemployment most at a hirer rate than they were making.  Trying to BUY Votes.  Why does Pelosi want to give criminal illegals stimulus money?  To buy their votes.  Yes, California has boasted they have given the illegals the right to vote.  All votes from California should be null in void.  Now people are in the streets of Springfield to protest the death of a black man in Minneapolis, I am afraid the lowlifes are going to loot the stores in Springfield.  Target shut down their store around 2PM this afternoon.  They knew something was happening and closed up.  Civil War is getting closer and closer.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Propaganda 24/7

If you pay attention to what is on Television today you will notice that in almost every show and commercial there is a gay couple, Muslim, interracial marriage.

Now before you go flying off the handle, I want to bring this to the forefront, because these groups comprise less than 10% of the population but occupy 95% of programming in shows and commercials.

It's called PROPAGANDA, it's what socialists do to control the population.  Express lies to conform them to the attitude they want.

Look how well Hitler used PROPAGANDA.  Killed six million Jews with it.

Look at China, North Korea, Russia, and the United States of America.  They all use propaganda to get their message across.

How about the Democrats, they have been working on gun control since the beginning of the 1900s.  They are at the point that if you own a gun, you are the criminal.  Look at what they have done.  What do Hospitals, Schools, Police Stations, All Government Buildings, Ball Fields, Nursing Homes, and Banks have in common?  They are ALL rich high target areas, why?  No one to shoot back.  If there are people assigned to shoot back they may fold, like that school resource officer did in Florida.

During the Obama administration there were many terrorist attacks on Americans that the Obama administration called workplace violence.

Now President Trump calls it as it is.  Texas, was a terrorist attack.

PROPAGANDA is on the rise in America, almost every TV show and NEWS program is pure PROPAGANDA.  Attack Conservatives and prop up corrupt Liberals.  Like Biden doing a news interview, he said, and I paraphrase "If you're Black and Voted for Trump, you're not Black"  How far did that travel before it was squashed? 24 hours?  If a Republican said that it would be a top story for the next 6 months.

Let's talk about our Politicians, besides trying to disarm all of America, they keep pushing bills with tons of pork in it like funding planned parenthood, you know the place where they murder babies in the guise of women's health. All this pork has one problem, INFLATION.  Yes, you heard right, INFLATION.  The last time we had massive inflation was during the Carter Administration.  President Reagan, got it under control.  Now Obama said manufacturing would never come back to America, and in less than three years President Trump had the lowest unemployment.  More manufacturing and the ONE WORLD ORDER prompted the COVID19 scamdemic and shut down the world to collapse it, where they can walk in and take over.  Enslave the people to do their bidding.  This is a bid by the One World Order to remove President Trump from office.  With Propaganda, Corruption begets Corruption.  We are seeing this first hand.

The Bible's last book is Revelation, in it, it talks about the last days,  where man will go up against man, nation against nation. Those taking the chip will go straight to HELL!  No chance of getting into Heaven. Take time to read it and pray about it.  It just might save your soul.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Not is Person Voting

So, Pelosi is pushing for online voting and voting by mail, so people won't have to go out and mingle with Covid-19.  To this I say BS.  Covid-19 is a SCAM.  Yes, you heard me right, SCAM.  The yearly FLU kills as many if not more than Covid-19, and the reporting for Covid-19 is sketchy.  There is proof that they are calling Cancer deaths, Heart Attacks many different deaths as Covid-19, how can we know the numbers they are feeding us are correct? 

The Democrats, have proven they are corrupt when it comes to voting.  They are allowing ILLEGALS to vote, that has been posted on television news cycles, they are going through the Graveyard and signing up the dead to vote, this too has been proven true, and they have bussed voters from one voting precinct to another to vote, a great case was during the Obama vote where a voter bosted he voted several times at different precincts for Obama, George Soros supplyed the busses. and he wasn't the only one.

The Democrats keep trying to slip that corrupt dagger that is death into the life that is America.  We see time after time Congress passing unconstitutional laws to curb the power of the people.  Not just Democrats, but Republicans also.   

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another item noticed.

There was a story about calling Millennials "Entitled" can be harmful. 

Well, let's see.

GAY used to mean having fun now it tied to homosexuals.

You can no longer speak the truth, it's not politically correct.

Political correctness is another word for forcing lies as truths.

Murder of unborn babies up to birth is fine, but killing babies after birth is murder?

Murder of a woman seeking an abortion, rates two counts of murder even thou she was going to murder her unborn child?

America is the last country of freedom, being destroyed by politicians daily.
The only thing keeping the one world order from taking over is the 2nd Amendment.  Something Democrats note is the only way to destroy the nation and that is their job, not taking care of America, or securing our border but how to get weapons out of the hands of the citizens?

Politicians (Democrats) pass bills that sends billions of dollars to organizations that will send back to Democrat politicians at election time.

Democrats roam the streets looking for illegals and the dead to vote in elections to reelect the Democrats.  When they lose to the electoral college, they want to end the electoral college so places like Los Angeles County and New York City will elect the President.  The rest of the country will be mute. Their votes will be ignored. 

Imagine, Hillary Clinton, getting voted in.  America would no longer be here.  Obama was working on it and was exposed by the General Flynn scandal.

Other countries are so corrupt that they were hoping the Democrats would take over America and When President Trump won look at all the GOOD he has done for America, not the new world order. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Things I notice

How about TV during the Shutdown?

Back when I was young.  Say in the '60s.  TV shows would be 30+ shows a season.  Today it's 10.  And that is in A YEAR!!!  On top of that back in the 60's it was FREE TV.  Today it's Cable.
Notice all the great shows are on Cables higher tier?  So you have to pay for basic (shows nobody wants or likes) and then go up to tier 2 or 3 to get your favorite channels and then extra to watch movies on HBO etc.  The only problem with the movie channels is you can watch everything new the first few days and its all reruns after that.

Also during this Stay At Home time my email has exploded.  Everyone is home and looking for ways to make extra money through emails.  Tens of Millions of people out of work.  Getting $600 a month, most ignoring bills, trying to survive on unemployment.  The problem is when this money runs out.

How many crimes are going to explode in the next few months?

I personally have a problem with the Governments attempt to destroy our Constitution with Stay at home orders, closing businesses, I think the only thing this will do is prolong the Covid-19.  Masks will not stop you from getting Covid-19.  Washing hands is the BEST defense against Covid-19.

I see the Democrats raising taxes to fund all the people staying home.

Like Obamacare, the government forced upon us a tax for healthcare.  If you had healthcare insurance you got taxed, if you had no healthcare insurance you got taxed.  If you were a Congressman or Senator you exempted yourself from the Obamacare.  Took a Golden Parachute healthcare at the peoples expense.
Think about it, serve on term in Congress and have retirement same as you pay for the rest of your life and healthcare, at the expense of the American People.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Have a better day.

Today I stopped reading and watching ANY news. 

I am working in the garden, PLANTING seeds that some Governors are trying to make a crime...

Getting out in the sunshine, suppose to kill the COVID 19.

Notice everything I want to do is news related.

News said that sunshine will kill COVID 19

Getting on the computer to play games.  Reading good books, listening to great music from the 40's, to the 70's.