The American government educated person is about as lost to the truth as the most isolated tribe in South America. I take that back the South American Tribe knows more than government educated person.
Look at our government today, the most corrupt on Earth. When criminals like Obama, Hillary, Comey, the Courts, the FBI, the Department of Education, the EPA and blantely Breaking the LAW and are exonerated before any investigation is started. Destroying evidence with no arrest. You try that and see how far you get.
You need to wake up...
Want to see the results of the Democratic Socialist Left?

This is food lines of the 1930's during the great depression.
Then there are the food lines in the U.S.S.R. back in the 60's and 70's

Now we have the food lines in Venezuela
Bet you have no idea of any of these.
The top picture is the USA during the great depression
The next picture is the U.S.S.R. which collapased in on itself and Russia took it's place.
And the last picture is Venezuela NOW, TODAY. This is where we will be in a few years following the Democratic Socialist agenda.
Free Health Care, Free Food, Free Housing, Free Cars, Free TV's, Free Cable, Free Electric, Free Gas and the country will collapse too except the people in charge because they exempt themselves and give themselves all the money.
Why are all politicians who enter politics come out as millionaries making only $174,500 a year. That is the average salary of politicians and they want more.
Unless you were government educated and refuse to research on your own you most likely will never have come across any of this.
And you want to vote Democrats into power, this is their outcome. Sooner than later you will run out of other peoples money. And be like Venezuela killing all the animals in the zoo so they can eat. It happened, look it up.
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