It looks like the tea parties that hit America over the summer made their first stop where the tea parties started. In Boston, Mass
That's right tea partiers the Dems. insisted were crazies and nuts had to eat crow last night when Kennedy seat was voted back to the people by the people.
The corrupted Democratic officials are now on life support. They know now there days are numbered. A few may squeak by but a large part of the Corrupt Democrats who have made themselves known in the Obama Administration are now facing the fact that they are going to lose their cushy kickback jobs.
Yes that's right. A few have seen the writing on the walls and have decided to retire, so not to face the citizens in their states. I feel that these corrupt officials should lose all their cushy kickback benefits that they voted themselves while taxing the American people to death.
At the most I say they should be brought up on chargers and lose all their rights and be thrown in jail. But that is for another post.
In the mean time the Dems are on the run. The American people are on a comeback and need to repeal the laws that this Congress has pushed through. There is no such thing as repeal proof.
Revolution and Civil war will repeal just about everything. The Dems just don't understand that.
This vote will hopefully kill the back room sweetheart deals that the Dems have given to just about every one who is an Obama supporter.
Bribes and crooked deals are the norm in this adimistration. A message has been sent to Washington and more are coming.
The Dems in office are walking Obamas plank. Who will live through the shark infested waters and who won't?
Thank you Mass. for seeing the truth.
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