It's funny that if I were to bad mouth Obama which I do, or the corrupt Congress I would get plenty of views and some feedback both for my view and against.
But when I post about Veteran's Day I had no views.
If you can't support our Veteran's how in the Hell can you support this country?
YOU'RE HYPOCRITES and should be ashamed of yourselves.
It is the Veterans that lets you sleep in your beds at night and let you watch your big flat panel TV's.
It is the Veteran that took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and still believes it.
It is the Veterans that are away from their families for months if not years.
It is the Veteran that comes home missing limbs, or not able to see, or hear.
It is the Veteran that is still proud to wear the uniform or have worn a uniform and and is still proud to be an American.
And most importantly its the FREEDOM you enjoy that the Veteran's fight for.
So take pride in your country and support the Veteran's.
And remember every Veteran is either a Son or Daughter or Mother or Father or even Grandma or Grandpa.
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