Let us count the ways.
First more than one.
Lets talk about the Cigarette taxes that was pass going up $6.50 a carton.
We are going to fund this project and that project with the wind fall of money that will come in from the smokers. Well lets just step back and look at what these so called politicians (smart people - because they got into office) It will take 21 million new smokers every year to fund this project that they want. Not only the current smokers but 21 million new smokers to break even on what they want this money for.
Did you hear Obama talk after two cabinet picks dropped out because they did not pay taxes. He was upset. :( Poor baby.
He wanted them to continue because the Democratic Congress would have passed them with no trouble.
But now we are beginning to see how corrupt the Obama White House really is.
They have no problem with tax cheats in the Administration.
Obama came out after flatly saying I had no Muslim upbringing. He admits now he did. Do I hear any calls for his impeachment? Hell no he is the second coming. Of course its destruction that's coming.
When will the American people wake up and smell the shit Obama is shoveling?
He is a liar and admits it. He is a thief and admits it. He is a con man and admits it. He wants to be known as Barrack Obama not Berry the Bum.
Regardless what you call him, he is still a Bum.
Call your Congressmen and Senators and tell them no on this thank you for voting for me package.
It stinks to high heaven. If you believe he is the second coming then it stinks all the way to the White House.
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