You are getting what you wanted. Obama wants you to stay home and pay you for it.
I hear the news complaining about jobs.
Hellooooooo? Diden't you pay attention to who won the election? You helped him get elected. You paid NO attention to his friends, things he did and still does. You gave him a pass on his hate teaching in his church. You will ruin this country, and you report that there is no jobs. That is a simple fix. Close down the national news agencies. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. If you wind up like FOX news where both sides of the story is given. The others give only their side. Extreamly Democratic. Also I heard very little on Acorn and their voting fraud. Stuffing ballot boxes with votes from dead people and having people vote time and time again. In some cases 72 times. This was played down by the Democratic news stations. All of this. The truth was censored. I thought we lived in a free country? I have not seen RUSSIA or USSR anywhere, but we sure get censored news.
Obama wants the country to be supported by the government.
I hear the swoosh of the rich leaving the country. This was also predicted. If I was rich I would leave also. Where would I go? I have no idea. I am not rich so its a mute point.
You get what you wanted. Bankrupt. Can you say depression?
sure you can say it with me.
Remember what goes around comes around. History repeats itself. This is what America voted for.
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