Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Corruption in America goes way back.

The more I see the corruption in Washington DC and the Democratic party today, the more I am certain the corrupt Democrats in Washington had President Kennedy murdered in Dallas this day in November 60 years ago. 

The Warren commission was a farce, evidence was ignored, only evidence that fit the story line was allowed. 

We have seen the same thing happening again with President Trump. This time the Press is complicit in the "Fake News" as President Trump keeps announcing. 

Jan 6th kangaroo court to go after people who did nothing wrong is further evidence of corruption within the halls of justice as well. Again the press is complicit. 

The 3 letter agencies going after President Trump over a falsified document is another proof of corruption. 

Once you start putting the pieces together its very easy to see the malice in the halls of Congress. 

Then finally the fact that so call politicians turn a trip to Washington as their own ticket to wealth. A $150,000 salary a year for a politician, and they exit Congress as multi millionaires? 

Corruption is afoot somewhere, as Sherlock Homes would say. 

Its all around you, you just have to look at the assorted pieces and start piecing them together to get the bigger picture. 

That is what journalism used to do, journalism is dead in America, that is easy to see with the fake news stories force fed you everyday. Politicians tell the journalists what to say and they do. Out of all the journalists in America today there is maybe a handful that take that job seriously, the way it was meant to be.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Covid - The Government Death Shot

I get news from different parts of the world and one that hit my desk yesterday was the story of Covid vaccine shots and the uptick of deaths by those shots.

You do know that the Covid vaccine is nothing more than propaganda put out by the government saying how deadly the flu is and you need this shot. The shutdown around the world was organized by a select few in governments to force this death shot on billions. Many of us read between the lines and didn't fall for this deception.

This so called vaccine is nothing more than a death shot. Murder by government. Let that sink in.

There are stories (if you can still find them) on how Drug companies are upping the lethality of each dose by factors of millions. I just heard from a friend, where one of her friends debated with her husband on whether to get the shot or not, her Dr. talked her into getting one and by the end of that same day she was dead.

I have a friend who took the shot and ended up in the hospital for weeks. She survived Covid, but many don't.

If you do your research, the flu kills millions each year. It just so happened that the governments around the world decided to play GOD and this debacle is what we ended up with.

This is the exact reason why the government didn't want autopsies done on those who received the shot.

This is also why the government (in the US, I don't know about other countries) paid money to reporting facilities for every Covid death they reported. This is why car accidents were reported as Covid deaths, Heart attacks, Cancer, gun shots, where all reported as Covid deaths, so the reporting facility could collect tax dollars to falsify documents used today, that tries to tell you how deadly the Covid Pandemic was.

They didn't want to have a connection of the Covid shots and it killing people. All this information was available online, and you would be lucky to find much of it today. Maybe in a newspaper archive you could actually find one. But sadly the Newspapers across the nation and I imagine the world are fading away because of the internet.

So as seen in the news the last couple of days how the Biden Administration is being chastised by the courts for their interference in the blocking of facts (truth) by internet service providers, such as Facebook and Google.

Now it's been testified by Facebook workers that fact checkers do not actually check facts, they tag stories they are told to squash. I know it's happened to me several times.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Do you need this?

 I figured there are three ways to meet Jesus Christ. If your life is in the pits, and you have people around you that do things you know deep in your heart is wrong, then these are the ways I came up with. 

First, you pick up a Bible, start reading it and realize there is so much missing from your life that you need Jesus. 

Secondly, someone tells you the "good news", and you realize you want to learn more and be around those kinds of people. 

Then Thirdly, you die and meet Jesus as he says, "Depart from me, I never knew you". 

The last one I do not want to hear. 

Will your life be perfect? No. 

 Will you fall back into bad habits? Most likely, Yes. 

You have to repent and ask for forgiveness, the Bible says you can ask for forgiveness and if you really mean it, he will forgive you. 

Read your Bible daily, find a church that believes in the WHOLE Bible. 

There are many churches out there that tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. They're called tickle your ear churches, they are leading you down the wrong path. 

 There are churches that want to know how much money you made last year so they can tell you how much you have to tithe. 

 Those churches, stay away from. I've visited a church like that and if you pay attention, the pastors sermon is about me, me, me. 

They are playing with your afterlife to get their riches here and now, not in Heaven.  

They brag about the cars they have, maybe the large boat the purchased or the private plane they got to travel high above the people they preach too.

Find a church that makes you feel like family, helps you out when you need it. If you look you will find a church family that will love you as much as your real family.  Because you will be in the family of God

This is a lot to take in, but I was told last night to put this out. Someone needs this. I pray this finds the person needing it.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Apple computer equipment and other things.

I would never own an Apple computer due to its proprietary hardware.  

Just like MS (Micro Soft) Windows and its proprietary software, where they can shut down your computer that you purchased with your money running their software and they can brick you system.  

Apple has proprietary hardware, in other words, they can charge you 10 times what you could normally pick up off the shelf for an IBM clone machine.  Like a Hard drive, a Modem, when they were the only thing available. 

Today's Apple machines are nothing more than crippled Unix/Linux machines held hostage by Apples proprietary hardware.  

When IBM purchased RedHat Linux, that was the end of the RedHat side of Linux.  What was the first thing they did.  End the life of CentOS.  A free version of RedHat without the support.  

Now RedHat is back on commercials trying to get back business.  

If I owned a business and needed that kind of service I would consider RedHat.  But for a home user, basically just fiddling around learning how Linux works with the computer and surfing the internet, it is not worth the service price RedHat is demanding.

Way back in the day, early 80's I got into computers.  Loved it, loved learning how to use it, loved all the things you could do with it and Loved the games you could play on it.  Back then there were arcades.  Pac-man, Space Invaders, Missile Command, Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Dig Dug and Qix, just to name a few of the games you could play at home on your computer.  

I had just purchased an 286 processor computer and Linux just came out and you needed a 386 processor to run Linux.  Well, I had to wait.  I had DOS 6.x and then Windows 95 came out.  Destroying thousands of businesses.  A promise that you can switch to Windows 95 without losing any data.  That was a lie.  Then they moved from Window 95 to Windows 98.  A huge amount of Windows 95 users waited until the the brave moved and saw what happened.  When people were able to move without losing data the people who got burned with 95 move to 98. I think Windows 98 was the best OS (Operating System), MS ever put out.  About 15 years after getting my computer, and a few computers later, with MS killing off Windows 98 with Windows XP.  People had thousands dollars worth of software for Windows 98 that would not run on Windows XP.  That is when I decided to move to Linux.  

I had old computers that ran Linux better than Windows.  Besides there were loads of software that you could use on Linux that didn't cost you an arm and a leg that Windows software was costing you.  

Think about it.  When you buy a MS Windows system today, you basically get nothing but an OS and maybe a notepad.  That's it.  You have to fork out a small bit of money here and a small bit there.  So your $120 OS you had to add $100 to well over $1,000 to get your computer to do what you wanted.

With Linux you download the OS, install it and there are plenty of software packages available right out of the box, then if you need more there software vaults that have thousands of software packages.

If you are interested in podcasting, there's software for that, if you want to make a movie, there's software for that.  If you needed an office suite there are several available for you to choose from.  If you were into art, there are plenty of packages available.  If you are learning a programming language you can download many of them on Linux for free.  I wish I had Linux when I was going through college.  Would have saved me hundreds in software costs.  Almost all of it you can download to your computer free of charge.  There are a few Linux's that asks for money to use and there are some software packages that require money.  But about 95% of the software is free to use. 

Like internet today, you wind up at Google and there is a list of news stories for you to choose from, and when you click on it, this or that business wants money so you can read the story. This is the Windows way of doing things.  Imagine if you paid everyplace you got a story from you could be hundreds if not thousands out of pocket for pages you may never get back too. Get rid of Google.  Move to some other search engine.  There are plenty of search engines out there.  You can always come back to use Maps, Earth or Translate without making Google your home page. 

Just wanted to tell you, you can put the fun back into computing by moving to Linux and learning how to use the computer all over again.  To just surf the internet, download Linux Mint and install it and you are ready to go.  

By the way you could always install the Linux to a thumb drive and start your computer using that thumb drive and play with Linux to see if you really like it before wiping Windows off your computer.