Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Web designer.
You know Restaurants and stores have the right to refuse service, why not a web designer?
The corrupt left is calling it discrimination.
What about affirmative action and the college entrance exam? I remember when affirmative action was put in place. This was nation wide, businesses had to hire a black guy who couldn't do the work over anyone else who could so they could send the government how many blacks were on the pay roll. If that isn't discrimination I don't know what is.
There is no longer a limit of how many Asians, Hispanics, Blacks or Whites join the college. Before every class had to have X amount of Asians, X amount of Hispanics, X amount of Blacks and X amount of Whites. Didn't matter how smart you were, it went by the color of your skin.
The blacks are now complaining.
There is a High School in an inner city that puts 70% of their students (black students) into colleges with full rides based on their brains not the color of their skin.