You have to wonder what happened with Paul Pelosi's break-in? Was it actually a break-in? Why haven't any videos been put out by the police? Yet the corrupt Democrats want to make this a political issue for the mid-term elections. Like they did with the lie of Trump's Russian hoax. Turned out to be a lie the so-called press ran with. Yet they push anything the Democrats want. That is why it is now called propaganda media. When you can find the truth on the internet, it puts a stake in the heart of big news corporations. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, and PBS are all part of the propaganda wing of the press. The last two are funded by the government. Our taxes pay for this propaganda to be forced upon the population. Just another thing to look at before you get out there to VOTE in the mid-term elections. Americans have been woken up from their blissful slumber since the end of WWII when the corrupt evil was destroyed. No, they just entered politicis. Both parties, but mostly Democrats.