You have to wonder what happened with Paul Pelosi's break-in? Was it actually a break-in? Why haven't any videos been put out by the police? Yet the corrupt Democrats want to make this a political issue for the mid-term elections. Like they did with the lie of Trump's Russian hoax. Turned out to be a lie the so-called press ran with. Yet they push anything the Democrats want. That is why it is now called propaganda media. When you can find the truth on the internet, it puts a stake in the heart of big news corporations. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, and PBS are all part of the propaganda wing of the press. The last two are funded by the government. Our taxes pay for this propaganda to be forced upon the population. Just another thing to look at before you get out there to VOTE in the mid-term elections. Americans have been woken up from their blissful slumber since the end of WWII when the corrupt evil was destroyed. No, they just entered politicis. Both parties, but mostly Democrats.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Monday, September 26, 2022
Elections two years later.
You notice the left and propaganda media claim Jan 6th was an attempt to overturn the election.
Wonder if the truth of bating election boxes is just ignored? There are many videos of people closing polls and pulling boxes of ballots from underneath tables and feeding the machines.
All the truth of election overthrow is when they shut down the election return machine and the numbers were reversed and padded for Biden when the election return machine came back on. All true.
All ignored by propaganda media and now the kangaroo court called Jan 6th hearings.
If and when the truth comes out many Democrats and propaganda media will be facing treason charges. Media is to report the truth not make it.
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Is it real or is it manufactured?
What was the difference between the Spanish flu known as the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed millions and was very deadly in a little over two years and the Codvid 19 a manufactured pandemic that has killed, who knows how many? I believe the number the government has come up with was 100,000. Since the government paid reporting stations money for all Covid deaths, Heart attacks, car accidents, and overdoses where the people died were listed as Covid, plus those who died of cancer. Now you see commercial after commercial for Covid shots and boosters. If you pay attention the government has been trying to create a pandemic since the late 70s with the swine flu. I was in the service and everyone HAD to get a swine flu shot. That was a false pandemic run. I can count 3 other times the government was trying to create a pandemic in the last 50 years and the people were not ready to believe in the manufactured pandemic. If you bother to pay attention ALL of them started in the same country and I believe in the same area of that country. China.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
America on the Ropes
Hey folks, this blog space puts a warning on MY page that I have to inform you that this SITE uses cookies. I hear the EU residents don't like cookies. I agree folks, but I use this site and do not use cookies this site does.
Now to the heart of the story.
For those who have not paid attention to the news over the last 20 years. Obama allowed the IRS to purchase billions of rounds of ammo (remember the ammo shortage) and now Biden is allowing the IRS to purchase weapons (the ones he wants to take away from the American citizen).
You have to ask, why do the pencil pushers known as the IRS need weapons and ammo? Unless the IRS is becoming a secret army for the Democrats.
Noticed the Democrats just passed a bill that Biden signed into law that hires 87000 IRS Agents.
Put 1+1+1 together and you can figure it out. Ammo+Weapons+IRS Agents = secret army? Just saying. Put the pieces together you can't come up with anything else that makes sense.
Then of course there's the FBI.
The Biden AG, Garland said he upholds the integrity of the FBI.
They lost their integrity when proof the corrupt FBI agents were attacking President Trump and they refused to correct the situation.
The Border is not secure and people with the will to do harm to America are entering this country with the help of the Democratic party. In fact, you could say funded by the Democratic party. Free money, housing, food, and health care.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
Are we facing WAR?
All the things you need to know. You see the Democrats are now afraid of losing a majority of seats in the upcoming election. Puppet Biden cut our independence from foreign countries when it comes to Gas production. The Democrats have decided to fund our enemies through gas. I have seen so many people putting in gardens. The food shortages are coming and I don't think you can have a big enough garden on a quarter acre. Cities limit your water, then some cities limit you from collecting rain water to water your gardens. In most of these cases, its democrat controlled cities. Look at the cities that have collapsed. ALL democratically controlled. Then with gangs overtaking the cities selling drugs, drive by shootings. Property values plunge. Who wants to buy a house in a gang, drug infested neighborhood? Look, California homes worth $35,000 are selling for millions. No border control, illegals and terrorists have free access to America. And again its the democrats that are behind these plans. Like the pandemic, or should I say the SCAMDEMIC! Its a cold people, the flu. Go back in time and look at how many people who died from the flu? Then slip in the covid numbers. The covid vaccine shots are more dangerous than covid itself. People are such sheeeple. When you are in a government schools you are brainwashed to believe the government has the answers. When you have a well rounded education like it a private school you learn the truth, This is the main reason government want to close private schools (mainly home schoolers). Government causes more problems then they patch. Now with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, remember Puppet Biden and his family have had backroom deals with Ukraine and have sold our countries secrets. Again, democrats are behind all the corruption. When people start learning things on their own, shutting off propaganda television. They begin to see the truth and the corruption the democrats are behind. Look at President Trump, rallies thousands strong, and puppet Biden gets 20 people if he's lucky. And then with videos of people pulling ballots out of boxes to let Biden win the election. And propaganda media tells us puppet Biden had more votes than any other President in History. He got more votes than registered voters. Now puppet Biden is going after gun control. That is the only thing left that is keeping America from becoming 100% socialist. Too many God fearing, freedom loving gun owners. Again you have to pay a tax to carry a gun. Anything that says, tax (property, auto, gas, food, liquor and working), fee, licenses, permits, (like hunting, and fishing, not only do you have to get a license you also have to get a permit, then the weapon you use to catch your fish or meats, guns, bows),
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Decline of the Republic
I see story after story of how people hate how school boards are turning our governmentally controlled educational system into a indoctrination centers. Yet we just had an election for school boards and taxes and aldermen and it was the lowest turnout ever. People you want to complain about things and yet you refuse to take charge, you refuse to vote! Your hypocrites. You show outrage at school boards and yet when it comes time to change those school boards you refuse to vote. Maybe it's because they stop teaching civics in high school, maybe it's because you spent too much time pampering your children with sports. Or maybe it's because you're just too lazy to do the job or founding fathers gave us to keep this country on a straight narrow. If you took civics or studied the constitution these executive orders and all these presidents put out are more like commands from a king and said a laws from Congress. Like Joe Biden shutting down our ability to produce gasoline and causing us to buy from our enemies. Let that sink in. The very first thing Joe Biden did was to kill all of President Trump's make America great again items. We are now facing devastating prices on fuel, food, housing, electricity in healthcare. Roads across America are in such pitiful shape We pay taxes to keep these roads in good condition and that money disappears, roads never get fixed. And on top of that we look at the last two years of the scandemic called covid that is nothing more than a common cold but the governments around the world decided to go in on this scam.
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Covid Truths you have not been told.
Are you doing any background into Covid? Pandemics? Government overreach?
Let me explain a few things for you.
When Covid first came out, PANDEMIC! Run for your lives. Stay inside, businesses closed.
Let's looks at Covid; When Covid first came out there was a vaccine already in the works. President Trump talked about almost everyday. Actually if you do any research into Covid you will know it started back in the very early 2000's
The Democrats refused to take the vaccine as long as Trump was President but is was perfectly okay when Biden was elected? Every Covid death was paid money. So every death early 2020 into 2021 was labeled Covid and that reporting agency was given cash. So if you look, there were no Cancer deaths, no shooting deaths, no car accident deaths, no flu deaths, you getting the picture?
Today there are stories trying to explain how there was ZERO flu cases last year. How being locked up kept the flu at bay. There are plenty of stories of family members that their loved one has died of cancer, natural causes, overdose but the death certificate stated Covid. There is a reason for this. Today the propaganda news agencies are using those numbers to say how many have died. Knowing its a fake number. This is why all reporting agencies got money for all Covid deaths. To inflate numbers today.
Covid is reported to come out of China. A manufactured flu. To lock down the world. Have you noticed that all Covid is, is the flu? Before Covid, thousands if not tens of thousands have died of the flu every year.
Let's go to the so called Covid test. There are many stories of the creator who created this test said there was enough false positives that it can't be trusted. Yet as you heard time after time so and so showed up positive and the next day they were clean. The propaganda media made my case on this one, everytime someone showed up positive and the next time they are tested they're not. And they kept publishing it. The Queen of England is Covid positive, The basketball player, the football player is positive with Covid, two week quarantine. The next day they are no longer positive.
How about masks? Masks are not good. I have no problem if you wear a mask if you have a cold, but forcing me to wear a mask is criminal. You want Covid to be gone, let it run its course. If it was a true pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu. Once you caught it and survived you are immune. What is the government forcing today? Everyone wear a mask to prevent passing on Covid. This leads to the story behind the vaccine.
The vaccine has been out for over two years. If it truly was a vaccine then those who got the vaccine would not catch Covid. But again the government and propaganda media explains this one. In their own words, the vaccine doesn't work. but if you get it then you won't feel the effects. And again that turned out to be a lie. Most of the hospitalizations are people who have gotten at least one Covid shot. Some have gotten both shots and boosters and are still in the hospital. The government is saying they are not fully vaccinated. According to the government you are going to be required a shot every month to be somewhat Covid compliant. If you catch Covid you are now immune to Covid but the government insists that you get a shot. Why? Your words, It doesn't work. So why do I need a shot?
From the beginning I have said this is all about CONTROL not Covid. If you look at the evidence yourself, look up the false positives, the true effect of masks, and how the government has lied time after time. If you look again the politicians say you have to wear a mask and six foot space or you will catch Covid. Yet when Riots happen in Democratic cities and people are shoulder to shoulder breaking into business and they are not wearing mask, they are not six feet apart, and there was no massive deaths from Covid. Then you see the same politicians at parties, bar, restaurants and hair salons, without mask and no space between other people, laughing it up. Reminds me of Obamacare. Everyone has to get Obamacare except the people who worked on Obamacare, Illegals in the country, and Politicians. All of them were exempt.
This is just a slice of truth you refuse to acknowledge or are ignorant of. Do your own research and check it our for yourself. Remember its about CONTROL.