Thursday, January 28, 2021


 People think I'm crazy, conspiracy theory, a nut. Now you have seen all the criminal activities puppet has been involved in since stealing the election. You hear him say one thing before getting elected and doing the exact opposite since swearing in. The left have destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs. Look the new communist party (formally known as the Democratic party) shut down America and now their criminals have taken control they are no longer keeping America shut down

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The 2nd Amendment

 Folks, the 2nd amendment was not put in the Constitution to hunt. It was put in there so We the People who elected this government would be able to take back our country from the scum that stole the election. As you see they have shut down your right to assemble, your right to free speech, your right to gather with fellow religious groups. Your right to choose, forcing everyone to take this vaccine, why?  They shut down the country, they try to make it mandatory for everyone to wear masks. After scientific evidence proves it's more harmful than helpful. Wake up people.

We the People

 Freedoms are something our fore fathers fought for. And when won they created the Constitution to help future generations stay on the path. Corrupt individuals have eroded this country until a black man with ZERO skills got elected and said "I will fundamentally change America as you know it" Today we see that change. Stolen elections, censorship of its citizens. Schools that fail to teach the truth and the Law. That is why we are facing Civil War today because of a few corrupt individuals that We the People failed to put a stop too. But we are still have our second amendment and with that we the people have purchased over 50 million weapons last year alone. Many of us carry. But many of us fail to know who the enemy are. Many of us are too slow, too old, too fat to be any major help, but remember any help is better than no help. If you can't shoot, reload, cook meals, help in any way you can, intelligence, spreading the word. Pray. You and me We the People are what makes a country, not some Satan backed rich person telling some country leader they purchased what to do.