Gun sales are increasing during the crisis the government has created. It's called a scamdemic. Where the government shuts down the country destroying millions upon millions of jobs on something that has killed millions less than the common flu. Put 2 and 2 together and you always get 4 unless you use common core which the government tried to push on the government schools. Anyone with half a brain knows what is going on. Yet, there are so many brain dead people who follow propaganda media, (they no longer report the truth, they have been caught time after time, pushing lie after lie with no repercussions). They wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. They have become ignorant and brainwashed in public school and college where the professors know right from wrong and push wrong on their students.
There is a new show called "Going from Broke" It's about all these young people who graduated from college without a working degree. Now they're around $200,000.00 in debt, and one line in the ad and I paraphrase, "I'm Broke and I want YOU to fix it". Even close to a quarter of a million in debt, they can't take responsibility for there actions. They want someone else to fix it. Hey, I got an idea, join the Military. You have a college education and you can get a good paycheck as an officer. Hell, you can stay in 20 years, pay off your debt, and get a nice nest egg by the time you retire. That wouldn't work, you would have to believe in America. You have to take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and since you had extreme liberal professors the Constitution is no more than toilet paper to them and you, you have to either learn the truth or continue to follow the teachings of your anti-American professors.
If you notice all the problems you have in America is what the government created. I.D. Theft is caused by the government using Social Security Cards that were NEVER to be used as I.D. but some democrat was too lazy to work out the kinks created this problem. Then the Democrats have been stealing money from the Social Security fund to fund their pet projects. That is YOUR money they are stealing. Then they pass laws on the rest of us while exempting themselves from the same laws. Obamacare comes to mind, Insider trading is another. How do you think these Senators and Congressmen go into the government as regular people and in a few years getting $172,000.00 a year come out as multi-millionaires.