Thursday, December 6, 2018

I have been hearing about global warming for over 30 years now. It started in the 60' as the next Ice Age is coming, then they switched to global warming, and since the planet has not warmed as they wanted, it is now climate change.

For over 20 years these so-called environmentalists have been saying the planet is warming and the ice caps are melting due to man-made pollution. The seas will rise and coastal cities will be under feet of water. That hasn't happened, not even close.

All of this is promoted by propaganda in schools and the media and the far left. Only to charge you more taxes to keep them richer and enslave you with debt.

A prime example of this was the Obama years in America. He was selling guns to criminal cartels in Mexico which came back to America to kill Americans and NO ONE was prosecuted for this breach of security by these politicians and these same politicians had taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and America from enemies both foreign and domestic. 
At what point will the people take time to understand that America is a Republic.  We control what happens.  By doing nothing we allow socialism to take over.  Remember it was a Republic, the left called it a Democracy for decades and now they are pushing us towards socialism because the people have been dumbed down by the propaganda machine set up by the left.  Almost all our news is frankly propaganda, how many times in the last two years have the propaganda media been called out by false stories and they make a retraction but the dumbed down people who only watch propaganda media only remembers the lies by propaganda media and not the retractions.   

With President Trump, the people have started taking back our country from these left-leaning extremists.  Just look at what is being taught in schools these day?  God has been taken out of everything but Muslims have full access.  We have schools forcing children to read and agree with Muslim writings and go to court when GOD is whispered at any event at school.  There are some schools that buck this and I applaud them for that. 

Why do you think the first and second amendments are at the top?  Why is the second way up there, because our founders knew corrupt politicians would try to take America away from the people and the people should have the same type of weapons as the government so we could fight back against an oppressive government trying to take America from the people.  The freedom of the press (first amendment) is almost muted by propaganda media.  

Good vs Evil

We see today that the one world order is behind the wars and riots in the world.
They prop up a puppet in France that does their bidding and riots break out.
They want to scare people into believing WE are raising the tempature of the planet.  Yet 60 years ago when this started it was global cooling, another ice age is coming.  Then they ignore science that the sun is getting older and burning hotter that we are the cause of global warming.  Since Global Warming is not happenig like they want it they decided to call it Global Climate Change.
The truth is they just want you to pay more taxes to support their puppeteer governments all over the world.

Look at the disasters that are now China, Middle East, South America, Centeral America.  Our leftest government telling illegal aliens how to enter this country illegally, stay and get government benifits for life.  The people have seen the corruption from the left, Obama, Holder, Hillary.  They voted for President Trump and the left is unto this day trying to impeach President Trump for being President and not cowing to their leftist ideals.  President Trump stands for the Constitution, Secure Borders. Capitalism.  Ignoring the lefts, preaching of socialism.  History has shown us every example of socialism being an utter failure.  Yet the left pushes it because it can cause the most damage to a country before it collapses. 

Monday, October 1, 2018


Funny that the Democrats have proven me correct time and time again.

If you want higher taxes, less health care, less retirement, less cash, less Constitution, more laws, more obstruction?

Vote Democrat

You want less taxes, more money, A President that looks after you and not his high placed friends.

 Vote Conservative which in this case has to be Republican.

I feel the Republican Party is basically dead.  Most seem to be RINO's Republican In Name Only.  They are Democrats getting elected on the Republican ticket, and one problem we have here is recalling moles.

Here we have a President that ran Republican and he isn't Republican, he's not Democrat, He is more Independent than Republican.  But third party candidents can't and won't be elected.  But running as a Republican he got in.  And look at what he has done since he got elected.  Almost everything he said he was gong to do, and look at who is blocking hime, the Democrats.
Obama a communist, and elected as a Democrat.
Now we hear from the left, thats not true....
Really, Pass the bill to see whats in it?  Remember that?  Democrats were chanting that.  I thought the Representative was suppose to be in office for the people they represent, not the party they belong too.

Then Obama told lie after lie about whats in it to quiet the uneducated.

The uneducated are the ones protesting against the President and the Right today.

So if you are happy with the destruction of America from within by the Democrats or want to get back to you are the Captian of your ship, you can be a millionaire with hard work.

Get out there and Vote.  Election day is just a little over a month away.

Keep America Great.

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Sunday, September 9, 2018

America is she dead?

In America the 1% rules the 99% and we sit back and accept it. Who are the Slaves? Who are the Idiots? Who are the Lazy? This is a direct result of the PC culture. Congress, the Democrats, AND the Republicans refusal to protect its citizens, refusing to secure our borders, refuse to clean up Washington, DC. Refusal to manage our debt. With everything the government touches, takes control of they destroy. We the people no longer know whats in the Constitution. Why in the world do you think they break the laws all the time. If we followed the Constitution, the flag burners would be imprisoned, the traitors would be shot. Executions should be public for all to view, we house them, we fund their appeals and we fund the executions. If we went back to law and order, Chicago wouldn't have hundreds of shootings a month. We embrace our Constitution, go back to teaching how to use and shoot weapons. Free speech is just that, free speech, not propaganda speech allowed by the left and free speech by the right censored. You know the Constitution was basterdized by the corrupt justice we have in America. We have Judges that refuse to follow the law and they are allowed to stay on the bench. It's idiocracy and we allow it. We have people in the FBI, DOJ, IRS and other government agencies not elected to those positions that break the law and we allow it. We have two choices lay down and be murdered or stand up and fight. It starts with the midterm elections, are we going back to socialism where we who disagree with their policies are rounded up and murdered like the Nazi did to the Jews in WWII or will we be like America in WWII and stand up to the criminals that have taken over our Government, News and Entertainment? What you forget these people in the Government, News and Entertainment are all very wealthy and are trying to sway you to voting their way. Think about that for minute. They were in control for 8 years under Obama and it was the worse America has ever been, and you want to go back to that? They tell you we need to get rid of President Trump because he is NOT a politician. READ the CONSTITUTION.

Friday, March 9, 2018

I was right.

Seems that if you look at what has happened to America since President Trump got elected.  Most Americans are much better off now than the eight years under the Socialist Obama.

The Propaganda media is just having fits day after day when everything President Trump touches turns to gold.

All the things former president Obama was behind turned to shit.

Thank GOD for opening the eyes of the blind.  Now time to get rid of the corrupt government.  Rotten to the core.  Thank GOD for our founding Fathers and the Constitution they put together.  That is the only thing keeping America from being a footnote in the History Books.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Male becoming feminine in America?

Been a while since I posted here.  Hope to be here more.

You see story after story of how men in America are becoming more feminine.  Let me tell you what I see on a daily basis. 

Boys wearing man buns in their hair,
Boys having shoulder length hair or longer. 
Boys getting piercings, not just ears, also their nose and lips. 
Boys wearing pregnant bags in school. 
Boys wearing makeup. 
Boys painting fingernails.

Where do I stop?

Let's look on the other side of the table,

Girls wearing PE gear all day.
Girls cutting their hair real short.

Girls not wearing makeup.
Girls not wearing fingernail polish.
Girls wanting to be more masculine.

The other things I notice, girls wear very short shorts, while the boys wear shorts that go down to their knees.

I could go on and on about other things. 

But this is just things I notice.