Sunday, July 31, 2011
Corrupt Govenment and Debt Ceiling.
What are we getting? SCREWED!!!
They will raise the debt ceiling by 3 trillion dollars for 1 1/2 years (just past the election) and raise the debt ceiling again. Offer spending cuts over the next 10 years that future Congresses do not have to honour.
What kind of deal is that?
What we have is a Government completely out of control and are putting on a show for the American people to pretend that they are working for the people while they are in the back rooms slapping each other on the back laughing at how stupid the American people really are to believe this farce thanks to the Government Education system.
We have a criminal in the White House posing as the President who's policies have stagnated the economy. Killed jobs, Raised Gas prices, killed the American dream for millions. Anyone who could consider voting for this criminal should be taken off welfare. They should be made to work even if that means working for their welfare checks. Cleaning sewers, picking fruit, picking up trash, cleaning up after people get sick, after people smear crap all over walls. Then ask them if Welfare is worth it? Or would they like to get off Welfare and get a real job?
When will the American people wake up to the Corruption rampant in Washington??? When will the American people demand their rights back. When will the revolution happen between the people and the Government politicians and Departments??? Will the Government kill the American people to keep its power or will the Government step down and let the American people start a new Government using the Constitution our founding Fathers gave us???
You must decide, you are the American people getting screwed by this Government. We have politicians that exempt themselves from the very laws they pass on us??? They believe they are better than the rest of us. Sounds familiar, the very reason we had a revolution against Great British Empire 235 years ago....
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A slap in the face of the American People
Your tax dollars and this debate to raise the debt ceiling could be avoided if they would quit sending billions to the middle east to fix up mosques. One of Egypt's mosque had sewage in it and we footed the 770 million dollar bill for a new sewer system and on top of that the mosque cleanup. Our cities are falling apart and Obama is sending billions to pimp out mosques, and you are not paying your fair share.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Obama's fair share?
The one thing I am getting very tired of is listening to Obama say the Rich and Business owners have to pay their fair share. They have been paying more than their fair share. Obama just wants to steal from the average taxpayer to give to the Lazy and illegals.
If you are looking for welfare, food stamps, housing, social security, an abortion, ways to cheat the government out of tax dollars via tax funded company then you are a leach on society.
I can't find a job? I know too many people who refused to seek work while collecting Obama welfare a.k.a. the new unemployment. 99 weeks of phoning in once a month to collect a check. This is why we have problems in America today.
The Left and Democrats want to add programs to keep the lazy, lazy.
Stay at home and play your XBOX on your Big Screen TV.
There was and is a time when programs like unemployment insurance, food stamps, temporary housing and the like are needed. But to continue to rip off the American Tax Payer and the Government is criminal.
What happened in America?
Greed is the new creed?
Again, what is Obama's fair share? Not until every America in so broke he can't afford a pot to pee in?
Wake up America to the Corruption at every level of government.... From your city telling you which trash service to use even though you are paying for it, or Obama saying you are not paying your fair share......
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Muslims hang 8 year old boy because father refuses to give up police car.
The Taliban has hanged an 8-year-old boy, in tragic retribution after the boy's cop father refused to give militants a police vehicle, reports CNN.
The child was kidnapped Friday in the southern province of Helmand, and killed at an unknown point after that.
President Hamid Karzai condemned the boy's execution, calling it an action "not permitted in any culture or any religions," and calling for the immediate arrest of those responsible.
This is the latest in increasing Taliban attacks as Afghan troops begin taking over security.
Another fine example of the religion of Peace.
Sharia Law in America will allow criminals who don't get their way to hang little children and cut heads of people they don't like?
They will cry Sharia Law and our law is suppose to look the other way?
Wake up America, every Mosques built in America can house weapons to attack you one day.
America - Was the Home of the Free and the Brave
The Democrats have made America the home of the give aways.
If you are an Illegal you get free health care, you can get Social Security, You can get Medicare, you can get housing, you can get food via the Democratic established government and best of all you don't have to pay any taxes cause you are an illegal alien.
But if you are a citizen you have to fight for a job, you have to fight for health care, you have to fight for Social Security, you have to fight for Medicare, you have to fight for housing, you have to fight for food via the Democratic established government and worse of all you have a new and massively increased IRS to take more of your money.
Obama says on one hand that the American dream is alive and well and anyone with an idea can become rich on the other hand if you start a business you are considered rich by Obama and you need to pay your fair share. But he never says how much their fair share is? In other words, fire your employees and pay me what you would have paid them plus any profits you show.
So where is the equality in America. Obama wants any business that hires people to be classified as a rich business and needs to pay more in taxes. So the people who want to lay around and play video games on their big screen HD televisions can stay home and get assistance from the government.
You ask any public school graduate what the government should pay for and everything above is listed plus a Car, free gas for the car, A cell phone, with no limits, a computer with free internet, and spending cash to take out a date. They want 100% guarantee on everything. If it fails they want the government to pay for it.
This is what is American teachers have taught in Public Schools.
We have borders that do not protect it's citizens. We have Mexican Drug lords coming across the border to rob, steal and kill and our government does nothing to protect the citizens but instead sells automatic weapons to the drug lords. Then tries to blame the American gun dealers of the sale so they can squash the 2nd amendment.
To continue on this thread...
Yet, when AZ tries to pass a law against the illegal problem the Federal Government sends in lawyers to squash the bill and the massive amounts of illegals take to the street to protest the law.
Do we really live in America?
In other countries you do what the illegals are doing here they would wind up booted out of the country the least amount of punishment to death the most extreme punishment.
In America they get all the comforts of home plus so much more as long as they vote for the Democrats.
There are States that go against the Constitution and issue ID cards and Licenses that allow the illegals to get anything they want. We the American people need to send the bills to these states, if they want the illegals to get free stuff let the state and the people in the state that voted for these people pay for it.
I am tired of paying for the lofty goals of the criminals in office.
If an Illegal wants to become an American I have no problem with him going the way of my parents. Get a sponsor, get a job, and check in with your case handler to see if you are a productive cog in society. Not the current burdens we have in society thanks to the Democrats and the criminals they put in places of power to get their wishes.
The destruction of the greatest nation on Earth!!!
They (the Democrats and Liberals) call us Nazi's but their policies are more in line of the Nazi party than the Rest of the parties combined. (Constitution Party, The Tea Party, The Libertarian Party, The Republican Party, The Nazi Party and the Communist Party.)
Now you know the reason for the title.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Government wants to raise the debt - WHY? - Personal Responsibility
The lazy and the all the people on welfare wants money from the the people who work. Where is Personal Responsibility?
If you look at Washington and mainly the Democrats but Republicans too. They fund Acorn or what was Acorn or what ever names they go by now. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that plunged us into the housing crash. Where was Personal Responsibility?
Public funded abortions and the utter destruction of health care system in America, under the guise of Obama Care. Where is Personal Responsibility?
The failing Education system such as "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" Teaching to the test instead of teaching. Look at Atlanta where almost 200 teachers and administrators changed test scores, because the system is broken. Where is Personal Responsibility.
The failure of this government to secure our borders, the failure of our government by selling automatic weapons to drug cartels and then trying to blame America for the weapons showing up in Mexico, the failure of this government to quit funding countries that hate us. (Such as Pakistan, who hid Bin Laden). Where is Responsible Government?
There are many places the government can get out of and save billions or even trillions...
The American People have been taught to no longer use their brains to read or use their brains for critical thinking just do what the Democrats, the President and the media tells them what to do and what is important to us (the Liberals). Where is Personal Responsibility?
At the rate at this Government is destroying this great Nation it is almost impossible to fix on the fly and all the people will figure this out too late. They will try to blame everyone for the destruction of America and never look at their lack of Personal Responsibility.
There has never been a free lunch, paycheck, car, home, health care or Television. If you look at what this criminal in office known as the President is doing. On one hand he talks about how great the free market is to make millionaires and on the other hand he says if you make more money than your lazy neighbor you are a criminal and should and will because of his taxes lose most of your money to give to your lazy neighbor. Again Personal Responsibility.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Gang of 6 over rules the entire Congress?
We are going to wind up like Greece, bankrupt and the people in power vanish with all the money they could get their greedy grubby hands on. Greece is going to take down Europe and Obama is going to take down America.
To view the real crooks in America. Did you know about a 6th of Congress has used insider trading to get rich? It is illegal for everyone else to do insider trading but Congress feels they are about the law. Above Obama Care, Above you and me.
And yet you still vote these crooks back into office. Knowing they are going to FU*K you over and over. Now they want to raise 1 TRILLION in new taxes. So much for responsible Government.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Obama wants to fix education with more money???
Get these so called politicians out of education and what they want.
When did education turn in America?
When government said no more capital punishment, no prayer, no more teaching but cover what's on the test.
What kind of education is that?
So the schools are flooded with money but the underlying problems are still there. Until Government is forced out of education it will not get fixed. Unions is another problem with education. When you have someone who is not allowed in the classroom but you can't fire them either so they just sit there and collect a check to do nothing.
Until America wakes up to the corruption in Washington, DC on down to the local level, nothing will be done except for the government to steal more of your money.....
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The corruption in charge
Too many people on a government welfare program of one sort or another. Too many corrupt agencies in the government. Too many corrupt long term politicians in office. Go to to see the real crooks in America.
The housing meltdown was caused by the Liberals, and Democrats who insist that drug addicts and the lazy should have their own home and not rent. So they forced the banks and Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac to absorb the debt. When Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac collapsed due to corrupt management the corrupt government put a few toothpicks under it to sure it up and tell the American people that everything is fine. Then the trillions these companies stole from the American people just vanished into someone's pocket. Not ours. Those toothpicks are ready to snap. Again the American people do nothing.
Re-electing Obama is just saying that there is no problem in America I believe what the propaganda news media says and I still want a handout from my government. The government is not enslaving our children and grandchildren we are. The drug addicts rob their neighbors to buy drugs then get free needles from the government the sex addict wants sexual pleasure but when she get knocked up she wants the government to pay for her abortion. What we have here in America is a lack of RESPONSIBILITY!!! No wonder the rest of the world hates us. This is the land of plenty, plenty of crap by government officials.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Criminals in Washington
About time. It is time to put professional politicians where they really belong. Prison.
They have forgotten that they work for us.
First thing we must do it kill the golden parachute the politicians have given themselves.
Congress is a calling not a lifetime paycheck.
Getting a slush fund to purchase what we have to purchase without a slush fund.
Folks like Rangle needs to go to prison for the tax evasion. The threw W. Snipes in prison for the same thing but because Rangle is a professional politician to gets a get out of jail free card.
It must be the water in NY. Makes them forget that these people are criminals and are stealing their money.
Obama's Credibility.
He is using the same steps he used for Obama care.
We all know what a debacle that turned out to be.
Massive taxes to pay for the 500+ IRS agents to steal your money...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
GOP Congressman: "Impeachable Offense" If Obama Bypasses Congress On Debt Ceiling
Well, that will go nowhere. They won't go after Obama for not having a valid Birth Certificate and using a false Social Security Number. What makes you think they will do anything over this???